Essay on 'The Blessings of Science' / 'विज्ञान एक वरदान' पर निबंध अंग्रेजी में
essay on the blessings of science / 'विज्ञान एक वरदान' पर निबंध अंग्रेजी में
The Blessings of Science
Science in the Service of Man
Science and Human Happiness
Hints : 1. Introduction, 2. Uses of Science: (a) Transport and Communication, (b) Electricity. (c) Medical Science, (d) Agriculture and Industry. (e) Means of recreation, (3) Conclusion.
We are living in the age of Science. It is the greatest boon to the mankind. Modern science has achieved wonders. It has brought about great changes in every field of life. It has really changed the face of the earth. It has given man power fit only for the gods. Man has now conquered land, water and air. In the words of Swinburne, a great English poet and critic, "We live in an age when not to be scientific is to be nothing." The twentieth century was the age of science. Science has flourished a lot during this century. It has brought out wonderful changes in every walk of our life. It has increased human comfort by giving a lot of new things of daily use. In the olden days everything was being made through manual work which was taking more time. The manufacturing cost was also coming high. Science has brought tremendous change in our working. The things are now being produced with machines with remarkable quantity and quality that we are getting early and at cheap rates in the market. Science has invented various means of telephonic communication which are very useful in our every-day life. In fact, fast communication system has speeded up our working. Maximum work is being carried out through communication. Those were the days, when man was going long distance even for petty works. The communication system has been so advanced that we are getting a lot of things done through communication without any loss of time. There has been a revolution in the field of communication technology which has made the world very small.
Science has invented various means of transport and communication. They have shortened time and space. Motor cars, railways trains, steam-ships and aeroplanes have made our journey safe and quick. We can travel from one place to another in no time. The telephone, the telegraph and the wireless have helped man to send messages from one corner of the earth to another in no time. Science has also brought about numerous technological advancements, making our lives easier and more convenient. From the invention of the wheel to the development of the internet, science has been instrumental in shaping our world.
For instance, the advent of smartphones has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information. This technology has not only made our lives more convenient, but it has also opened up numerous opportunities for business and education.
Electricity is the greatest blessing of science. In domestic life electricity is a boon. It keeps our houses, roads and buildings lighted. It does many of our small work like an obedient servant. It cooks our food, boils our milk and water, washes and trons our clothes and does many other tasks. Even trains are run by it.
Science has done wonderful work in the medical field. Many new medicines have been invented. Many fatal diseases can now be easily cured. The inventions of Radium and X-rays are very helpful to doctors. Surgical operations of serious nature are performed easily and successfully. It has produced test tube babies. In fact, science has given eyes to the blind, ears to the deaf and legs to the lame. One of the most significant benefits of science is the improvement of health and medicine. Science has enabled the discovery of new medicines and treatments, eradicating many diseases that were once thought to be incurable. For example, the polio vaccine, discovered through scientific research, has effectively eradicated polio from the world.
Additionally, scientific advancements have led to the development of advanced medical equipment, allowing for the early detection and treatment of diseases. This has greatly increased life expectancy and improved the quality of life for many individuals.
Science has helped us in the development of agriculture and industry. It has helped man to build dams and dig canals. There are tractors and other implements that can plough fields. sow seeds and reap the harvest. Many useful and difficult tasks are done by machines. The machines save a lot of time, money and labour. They relieve man of all heavy and unpleasant work Science has developed industry. Science has also played a crucial role in promoting environmental conservation. Through scientific research, we have gained a deeper understanding of the impact of human activities on the environment. This knowledge has led to the development of policies and initiatives aimed at protecting and preserving the environment.
For example, the Paris Agreement, signed by numerous countries, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Such initiatives demonstrate the crucial role of science in promoting environmental sustainability.
Science has given wonderful means of recreation. Cinema, radio, television, gramophone and photography are the common means of recreation. Cinema is the best and the cheapest source of recreation, Radio delights our homes. T. V. set enables us not only to listen hut also to see the face of the singer, dancer, player and speaker.
Science is indeed a boon. It has become a part and parcel of our life. But inventions of science should not be misused for the destruction of mankind.
Countries like China made their way in world and strengthen their economy by using their knowledge of science for betterment of common man.
It has turned our nights into days by enlightening our homes and market. It has also helped us to fight with modern problems. Science has done wonders for betterment of humanity.
On the other hand, man has also used science to destroy the peace of this land. He has invented deadly weapons to destroy human race. Man invented atomic bombs that cause chaos for whole world.
Moreover, over use of modern technology also added pollutants in our environment fridge, AC etc. it has reduced human labor and machines have replaced humans in every field.
It leads to unemployment. It has made modern human materialistic and busy bee. People spend their time on internet and social media rather than spending their time with their families. It has also introduced crimes in our society.
Science is blessing if we use it for betterment of human beings and society. It can really prove useful and fruitful to make our life luxurious. It is responsibility of every scientist to use knowledge of science studies for good of human beings.
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