Independence day essay / स्वतंत्र दिवस पर निबंध
A National Festival / Essay on the 15th August
Independence day essay in english for students
A National Festival
(The 15th August)
1. Introduction, 2. Its Importance, 3. History behind it, 4. Its celebration, 5. Conclusion.
The 15th of August 1947 is a red-letter day in the history of India. On this day India got her freedom after a long struggle with the English under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. Besides great leaders common people also took part in freedom struggle. Thus the 15th of August is a historic day for the Indians. It has become our national festival.
It has special meaning for all the people of the country. It reminds us of the sacrifice and suffering that the freedom fighters had to undergo for winning freedom.
The 15th of August is the final result of continued struggles. Towards the end of the 19th century the desire for freedom found its expression in the Indian National Congress. When Mahatma Gandhi appeared on the scene, this expression became active. He filled a sense of patriotism into the hearts of the Indian people. A number of great men like Madan Mohan Malviya. Rajendra Prasad, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Maulana Azad, Ballabh Bhai Patel. Subhash Chandra Bose and Jai Prakash Narayan joined Gandhiji. The result was that 20th century saw the great struggle for freedom. The non-violent non-cooperation movement started by Gandhiji shook the foundations of the British Rule in India. The Britishers tried every means to suppress the movement but in vain. All the leaders including Gandhiji were sent to jail many times. At last Gandhiji started the Quit India Movement in 1942 The whole country was in revolution against the British rule in India. Thus this day marks the end of the British rule and the beginning of the freedom in India.
The 15th August is celebrated with great joy and pride every year as the Independence Day. The national flag is hoisted on all the government and private buildings of the country Due respect is shown to the flag by way of military and mass salute. There is joy and happiness throughout the day: Public meetings are held and the importance of the day is explained. At the Red Fort, special arrangements are made for its celebration. Here P.M. of India unfurls the national flag.
15th August, 1947 is a memorable day for the Indians. It brings us the message that we should forget our internal differences. We should keep in mind the interest of the country above all. In the words of late P. M., Lal Bahadur Shastri, it brings for us a message that "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."
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