Chhattisgarh masik aakalan 2022-23 class 8 subject English//मासिक आकलन नवंबर माह 2022-23 कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी


Chhattisgarh masik aakalan 2022-23 class 8 subject English//मासिक आकलन नवंबर माह 2022-23 कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी

Chhattisgarh masik aakalan 2022-23 class 8 subject English//मासिक आकलन नवंबर माह 2022-23 कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी 

मासिक आकलन 2022-23

                       माह नवंबर 2022

                    कक्षा-8 विषय अंग्रेजी

पूर्णांक-25 अंक                                 समय-40 मिनट

Chhattisgarh masik aakalan 2022-23 class 8 subject English//मासिक आकलन नवंबर माह 2022-23 कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी
Chhattisgarh masik aakalan 2022-23 class 8 subject English//मासिक आकलन नवंबर माह 2022-23 कक्षा 8 अंग्रेजी               

वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न

Choose the correct answer:

Q 1. The quarrel between the mountain and  the squirrel was about - 

(a)length   (b)size    (c)ability  (d) strength

Ans- (b) size 

Q 2. The 28th Olympic games were held in-

(a)Sydney (b)seoul  (c)Athens (d) London

Ans- (c) Athens

Q 3. How did Rajyavardhana singh Rathore feel when he received the silver medal- 

(a) absolutely great (b) happy (c) sense of relief  (d)sense of pride

Ans - (a) absolutely great

अति लघु उत्तरीय प्रश्न

Answer the following question

Q 4. Why is Salim Ali called the Bird-man of India?

Ans.  in India, the world of birds was exposed to use by the great Salim Ali contribution therefore he is affectionately known as the bird-man of India.

Q 5. What tasks is the mountain unable to perform?

Ans.  the mountain cannot crack a nut.

Q 6. What makes the country feel proud? 

Ans.  The country feels proud to win a silver medal  for the country.

Q 7. Flame your own sentence using the word/phrases

  1. Nature lover

  2. All is well

  3. Target

Ans-  Nature lover - she is a nature lover

All is well - All the good wish is well for everyone.

Target- Two women were targeted by the attackers

Q 8. Translate the following sentence into English: 

  1. मैं एक विद्यार्थी हूं।  I am a student. 

  2. वह बहुत खुश थी।   She was very happy

  3. हम क्रिकेट खेलते हैं।   We play cricket.

इसे भी पढ़ें
कक्षा 8 विज्ञान मासिक आकलन टेस्ट पेपर सलूशन

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