Essay on Uses of Electricity / बिजली के उपयोग पर निबंध अंग्रेजी में


Essay on Uses of Electricity / बिजली के उपयोग पर निबंध अंग्रेजी में

Essay on Uses of Electricity / बिजली के उपयोग पर निबंध अंग्रेजी में

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                Essay on Uses of Electricity

नमस्कार मित्रों स्वागत है आपका हमारे एक और नये आर्टिकल पर। आज की पोस्ट में हम आपको 'Essay on Uses of Electricity / बिजली के उपयोग पर निबंध अंग्रेजी' में के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी देंगे  तो इस पोस्ट को आप लोग पूरा पढ़िए। अगर पोस्ट अच्छी लगे तो अपने दोस्तों में भी शेयर करिए।

            Essay on Uses of Electricity


The singular gift of science to mankind


Electricity in the service of man

Table of contents-

1. Introduction, 

2 Communication and Transport, 

3. Means of recreation, 

4. Domestic uses. 

5. Medical treatment. 

6. Industry and Agriculture. 

7 Spreading knowledge. 

8. Conclusion

"Electricity surpasses the old miracles of mythology"                            - Dr. Taylor 

1. Introduction- Modern age is an age of science. Many discoveries and inventions have been made to make life comfortable and worth living. Electricity is one of them. It plays an important part in our daily life. It has brought great happiness and prosperity to human beings. Electricity is really a boon to humanity.

2. Communication and Transport- Electricity has given us wireless telegraphy, Telephone works with electricity. It helps us in sending or receiving messages all over the world in no time. Telephone enables us to talk to people poles apart. Today electricity is used for running trains, trams and buses. It has shortened time and space. The quick means of transport and communication have enabled different nations of the world to come in close contact with one another.

3. Means of recreation- Radio, television and cinema are the wonderful gifts of electricity. Through radio we can hear songs, stories, dialouges, speeches and the world news. T. V. enables us not only to hear but also to see the face of the singer or the speaker. Cinema has become the cheapest means of recreation. Photography also takes the help of electricity.

4. Domestic uses- In domestic life, electricity is a boon. It does many of our small jobs like an obedient servant. It keeps our houses lighted at all times. It cooks our food, boils our milk and water, washes and irons clothes, cools or heats our rooms and performs many other jobs. Electric fans give us cool air.

5. Medical treatment- In medical field, electricity plays an important role. It is due to electricity that new discoveries and inventions have been made in this field. It cures many diseases. It has been found useful in the treatment of cancer, X-ray is a boon of electricity. It helps in tracing out internal diseases and fracture of bones.

6. Industry and Agriculture- Electricity has proved itself of great use in our industrial development. It turns huge and heavy machines in mills and factories. Big canals and wells can be dug with the help of electricity. We can use the tubewells for irrigation. Electric tools can make bridges and change the courses of rivers.

7. Spreading knowledge- Electric power has helped a lot in spreading knowledge. It is because of electric power that numberless copies of newspapers, magazines and books are published daily. In this way electric power has provided light not to our homes but to our heads as well.

8. Conclusion- Thus we see that electricity controls all our activities. There is no field of life which does not bear the stamp of electricity. It is, in fact, the brightest feather in the cap of science. Everyday, it is being put to new uses and it has given good results. Modern civilization is incomplete without it.

  Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Que 1. What are five important uses of electricity ?

Ans. There are five important uses of electricity in following fields- entertainment, health care, engineering, transport and communication and household etc.

Que 2. What would life without electricity?

Ans. There would be no power to use your fridge or freezer, telephone lines would be down and phone signal lost. Your mobile phones will be useless as the battery dwindles, with no back up charging option.

Que 3. What things use the most electricity?

Ans.  Cold appliances 

         Consumer electronics



Que 4. How electricity has changed our life?

Ans. Electricity helped provide rapid transportation, such as fast electric trains, and entertainment such as radio, television, cinema, With electricity, some modern equipment, such as computers and robots, that facilitated human life has been developed.

Que 5. What is the impact of electricity on education?

Ans. Electricity not only attracts students and enhances their learning experience. It can also enhance staff retention and lead to better teacher training. Electrified schools also provide teachers with better training, new skills and techniques for improved practices in the classroom.

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