MP Board Class 10th English Trimasik Paper 2023-24 || एमपी बोर्ड कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर 2023 हुआ जारी


MP Board Class 10th English Trimasik Paper 2023-24 || एमपी बोर्ड कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर 2023 हुआ जारी

MP Board Class 10th English trimasik paper 2023-24 || एमपी बोर्ड कक्षा 10वीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक परीक्षा 2023-24

एमपी बोर्ड कक्षा दसवीं अंग्रेजी त्रैमासिक पेपर 2023 हुआ जारी

MP Board Class 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2023-24: प्रिय छात्रों , आज हम आपके सामने MP Board Class 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2023-24 के बारे में जानकारी देने आए हैं । आज हम आपको 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2024 के संबंध में जानकारियां देंगे । यदि आप त्रैमासिक परीक्षा के बारे में संपूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो आप इस पोस्ट को पूरा लास्ट तक जरूर पढ़ें । दोस्तों अगर आप गूगल पर MP Board Class 10 English  Trimasik Paper 2023-24 खोज रहे थे, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आ पहुंचे हैं क्योंकि आज आपको हम ऐसी खास और जरूरी जानकारी इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से देने वाले हैं । कक्षा दसवीं गणित के त्रैमासिक पेपर की तैयारी के लिए हम आपको बहुत ही खास trick बताने वाले हैं बस आपको हमारे द्वारा बताए गए ट्रिक के आधार पर चलना है और कक्षा दसवीं गणित के क्वेश्चन को रट लेना है । क्योंकि यहां पर बताए जाने वाले क्वेश्चन में से आपको English  10 Trimasik Paper 2023 MP Board में काफी प्रश्न देखने को मिल जाएंगे । MP Board Class 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2023 में यदि आप टॉप करना चाहते हैं तो जो क्वेश्चन आपको यहां पर बताए जा रहे हैं उनको याद कर लीजिए ।

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>>> MP board class 10th English trimasik paper 2023-24

प्यारे विद्यार्थियों आज इस आर्टिकल English  Class 10th Trimasik Paper 2023-24 MP Board के माध्यम से हम आपको बताएंगे कि आपको अपने MP Board Class 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2023-24 के अंतर्गत कुल कितने पाठ याद करने पड़ेंगे । अर्थात कुल कितना सिलेबस पूछा जाएगा , परीक्षा का पैटर्न कैसा रहेगा आदि अनेक जानकारियां आज आप यहां से लेने वाले हैं । हम आपसे पुनः कहेंगे की संपूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए आपको हमारे इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ना होगा ।

MP Board Class 10th English  Trimasik Paper 2023-24 Overview

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MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023-24

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Trimasik exam 2023-24



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MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023-24

प्रिय छात्रों आपके सामने यहां हम स्पष्ट कर देना चाहते हैं कि MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023-24 सितंबर के महीने में आयोजित किए जाएंगे । और तब तक आप MP Board Question Bank की सहायता से MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023-24 की तैयारी को आगे बढ़ा सकते हैं । लेकिन I अभी तक इस बात की कोई आधिकारिक जानकारी प्राप्त नहीं है कि सितंबर के महीने में MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023- 24 किसी दिन आप की परीक्षा ली जाएगी । इस बात की जानकारी तो तभी सामने आ पाएगी जब MP Board Trimasik Exam 2023 का टाइम टेबल जारी होगा ।

MP Board 10th English Trimasik Paper

2023 Syllabus

दोस्तों त्रैमासिक( तेरेमासिक) परीक्षा को लेकर सभी विद्यार्थियों के मन में एक ही प्रश्न उठता है कि उत्तर मासिक परीक्षा में कितना सिलेबस आएगा। दोस्तों त्रैमासिक परीक्षा सिलेबस 2023 के लिए आपको चिंता करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है मैं आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दूं कि आपकी कक्षा दसवीं की त्रैमासिक परीक्षा में 33% सिलेबस पूछा जाता है । गणित में 4 भाग होते हैं । भूगोल,, राजनीति और अर्थशास्त्र आपको चारों भागों के तीन से चार चैप्टर तैयार करने हैं 

MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik

Paper Pattern 2023-24

प्रिय छात्रों एमपी बोर्ड द्वारा MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper Pattern 2023-24 इस प्रकार का बनाया जाएगा, जिससे कि विद्यार्थियों को किसी भी प्रकार की समस्या का सामना ना करना पड़े । MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper 2023- 24 किस प्रकार का आएगा यह सवाल सभी विद्यार्थियों के मन में आ रहा है | MP Board Class 10 English Trimasik Paper Pattern 2023-24 का पूरा पैटर्न हमने यहां उपलब्ध करवाया है 

एमपी बोर्ड 10 वीं सिलेबस 2024 - एमपी बोर्ड ने आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर कक्षा 10 के लिए एमपी बोर्ड का सिलेबस 2024(MP board 10th syllabus 2024 in hindi) जारी कर दिया है। कक्षा 10वीं बोर्ड परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वाले छात्रों को अंग्रेजी, गणित, विज्ञान, सामाजिक विज्ञान और अन्य सभी विषयों के लिए एमपीबीएसई कक्षा 10 पाठ्यक्रम 2024 की जांच कर लेनी चाहिए। एमपी बोर्ड 10वीं सिलेबस 2024(MP board 10th syllabus 2024 in hindi) का ब्लू प्रिंट भी जारी कर दिया गया है।

Quarterly exam 2023-24



Time:3 hours      Maximummarks:80


(1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Marks of questions are given against them.


               SECTION-A (Reading)

Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions

given below.                          [1x5=5]

There are some benefits of switching over solar energy. First of all, using solar energy is good for our environment. Solar panels do not emit harmful greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Solar panels require very little maintenance because there are no moving parts. They are also that hard to install. They also do not lose much efficiency over the years. The Indian Government and many states offer tax benefits and other incentives to people who decide to install solar panels. Solar energy systems can be used in remote areas. Even if a diesel generator is the technology of choice, solar energy is a better option as it helps us to reduce our electricity bills.


(i) Solar panels require very little maintenance, because -

(a) They have small parts

(b) They are not large

(c) There are no moving parts

(d) They can be installed in open places

(ii) Solar panels-

(a) Emit harmful greenhouse gases

(b) Do not emit harmful greenhouse gases

(c) Don't know

(d) Either (a) or (b) 

(iii) Give the noun form of the word 'decide'-

(a) Decided

(b) Decision

(c) Decisive

(d) Deceive

(iv) Govt. offers to the people who install solar panels -

(a) Tax benefits

(b) Other incentives

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above

(v) Solar panels-

(a) Increases electricity bills

(b) Reduces electricity bills

(c) Generates petrol

(d) None of the above

Q.2 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.     [1x5=5]

You must have heard the name of Red Cross. The Red Cross Society is an International Organization., Its aim is very noble. It helps the mankind suffering from disasters like earthquake, flood and famine. It helps the sick and the wounded during wars. It helps without any consideration of nationality, creed or colour. Sir Henri Dunant founded the Red Cross Society in 1863 in Switzerland. In 1920 the Indian Red Cross Society was formed. To inculcate the spirit of Red Cross in students, Junior Red Cross was started. Students under 16 can be enrolled in Junior Red Cross (J.R.G.). The motto of J.R.C. is 'I serve'. Its main objectives are Health, Service and Friendship. The teacher in charge of J.R.C. is called the Counsellor. The students as members of Junior Red Cross work under the guidance of their counsellor in the service of human beings who need care and support.

Questions -

(i) Red Cross Society is an - 

(a) National Organization

(b) Local Organization 

(c) International Organization

(d) State Organization

(ii) Who founded the Red Cross Society?

(a) Sir William Shakespeare 

(b) Sir William Wordsworth

(c) Sir Henri Dunant

(d) Sir Macaulay 

(iii) When did Red Cross Society found? 

(a) 1920

(b) 1863

(c) 1947

(d) 2000

(iv) When did Indian Red Cross Society form ?

(a) 1920

(b) 1863

(c) 1947

(d) 2000

(v) The teacher in charge of J.R.C. is known as -

(a) Captain 

(b) Lieutenant

(c) Counsellor.

(d) None of these


                 SECTION-B (Writing)

Q.3. Man is made up of many, qualities, both good and bad, and among the latter is anger.,The nature of every human being is such that anything that gives offense to his sentiments or goes against his principles, excites his anger. The evils which result from anger are many. Under its influence, a man loses his power of reasoning and judgment. Not being able to retain control over himself when angry, he does not know what he is doing or saying. Under its influence, a man puts off his balance to the extent that he forgets his duty towards his superiors and may even say things which are extremely insulting to them. 

Questions -

(i) Make notes based on the above passage. 

(ii) Give a suitable title too.

Q.4 You are Manasvi Shrivastava studying in Govt. High School, Chhindwara, (M.P). Write an application to your Principal for School Leaving Certificate as you are taking admission in other school.


You are Himansh. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant success in examination. You reside at A/34 Nirvaan Apartment, Devas. 

Q.5. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics. (In about 120 words). [5]

(a) Importance of Trees

(b) Online Education 

(c) Junk Food

(d) Computer and Mobile: Modern Need 

(e) Madhya Pradesh: The Tiger State

Q.6. On the basis of the picture given below, write a short paragraph about the importance of trees.                             [3]



 SECTION-C (Grammar)

Q.7. Fill in the blanks - (Any five).  [1x5=5]

(1) We………… follow the traffic rules.


(ii) They have been studying in this college............three years. (since/for/from)

(iii) ……….… work hard, you will fail.


(iv) There is not…………. water in the pool.                                (some/any/many)

(v) Work hard…………… will fail.


(vi) The Ganga is…………...sacred river.


Q.8. Do as directed (Any five) -

(i) She cut her finger.

(Change into interrogative)

(ii) He did not go to school. He was ill.

(Combine the sentence using 'because')

(iii) Jim will take coffee.

(Change into Present Perfect Tense) 

(iv) He is too ill to go to office.

(Rewrite the sentence using 'so....... that')

(v) Call the boy. The boy is sitting on the table. 

(Combine the sentence using 'who')

(vi) They are making toys. 

(Change the sentence into a Passive Voice)

             SECTION-D (Text Books)

Q.9. Choose the correct alternatives to answer the following questions.   [1x4=4]

(i) What did Lencho think of the post office employees?

(a) Rude

(b) Proud

(c) Bunch of crooks

(d) Unhelpful

(ii) What does 'ice' symbolize in the poem 'Fire and Ice'? 

(a) desire

(b) hatred

(c) love

(d) pain

(iii) According to Nelson Mandela, what is a country's greatest wealth?

(a) its mineral

(b) its people

(c) its traditions

(d) its forests

(iv) What was the young seagull afraid of?

(a) running

(b) flying

(c) swimming

(d) sailing

Q.10. Read the following extracts from the prose and answer the questions given below-                                             [1x3=3]

(A) Tenth May dawned bright and clear. For the past few days I had been pleasantly besieged by dignitaries and world leaders who were coming to pay their respects before the inauguration. The inauguration would be the largest gathering ever of international leaders on South African soil. The ceremonies took place in the lovely sandstone amphitheatre formed by the Union Buildings in Pretoria. For decades this had been the seat of white supremacy, and now it was the site of a rainbow gathering of different colours and nations for the installation of South Africa's first democratic, non-racial government.


(1) From which lesson has this text been taken?

(a) A Letter to God

(b) His First Flight 

(c) Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

(2) In the above text, 'I' refers to -

(a) G.L. Fuentes 

(b) Anup Kumar Dalla

(c) Nelson Mandela

(3) The ceremony took place in -

 (a) Protoria

 (b) Johannesburg

 (c) Durban

(B) He hears the last voice at night,[1x3=3]

The patrolling cars, 

And stares with his brilliant eyes

At the brilliant stars. 

Questions -

(1) From which poem the above lines have been taken?

(a) Dust of Snow

(b) Fire and Ice

(c) A Tiger in the Zoo 

(2) What does he stare at?

(a) cars,

(b) night

(c) stars

(3) Which of the following is opposite of the word 'brilliant?

(a) intelligent

(b) glare

(c) dull

Q.11. Answer the following questions in about 30 words- (Any six).       [2x6=12]

(i) What did Lencho hope for? 

(ii) What does courage mean to Mandela?

(iii) What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?

(iv) Why does Mandela thank the international leaders?

(v) What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

(vi) When was the diary given to Anne Frank? 

(vii) What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

Q.12. Answer the following questions in about 30 words- (Any two).         [2x2=4]

(i) In the poem 'Dust of Snow, what does hemlock tree represent?

(ii) According to Robin Klein, how silence is golden and freedom is sweet?

(iii) How does the Tiger act in the cage?

Q.13. Answer the following questions in about 30 words- (Any two).          [2x2-4]

(i) Why was Dr. Herriot worried about Tricki? 

(ii) Why did Ausable frame the story of the balcony?

(iii) What does the thief get from Anil in return for his work?

Q.14. Answer the following question in about 75 words.                                 [3]

How did Mandela's Hunger for Freedom' change his life? 


Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm. 

Q.15. Answer the following question in about 75 words.                                 [3]

Write the central idea of the poem 'Fire and Ice'?


What qualities of Amanda are portrayed in the poem? Answer the following question in about 75 words.

Q.16. In the end of the lesson. Mrs. Pumphery says "This is a triumph of surgery". Why does he say so?             [3]


Lying and stealing are next door neighbours". Explain this statement in the context with the lesson 'A Question of Trust.

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