Class 12th English UP Board model paper 2024//कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी मॉडल पेपर 2024


Class 12th English UP Board model paper 2024//कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी मॉडल पेपर 2024

Class 12th English UP Board model paper 2024//कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी मॉडल पेपर 2024 

नमस्कार दोस्तों आज की इस आर्टिकल में चर्चा करेंगे कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी यूपी बोर्ड का मॉडल पेपर जो आप लोगों के फाइनल पेपर में पूछे जाने के चांस है तो इस आर्टिकल को पूरा पढ़ें और अपने दोस्तों में ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें।

Class 12th English UP Board model paper 2024//कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी मॉडल पेपर 2024
Class 12th English UP Board model paper 2024//कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी मॉडल पेपर 2024 

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       UP Board Model Paper-2024

                     Class 12th

                Subject ENGLISH  

Time: 3 Hr. 15 Min.

Max. Marks: 100

Instruction: First 15 Minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper.

Note: i) This paper is divided in Section-A and Section-B Both the sections are compulsory.

 ii) Question No. 11 has three parts: I, II, and III. Attempt only one part of Question No. 11.

iii) All other questions are compulsory.

                   Section A

1-Explain with reference to the context any one of the following passages: 8

a)I was a prisoner, completely surrounded, unable to move. The most diligent, aggressive vendor was a beautiful girl of nine right in front of me. She had a lovely basket with handle; and she wanted a rupee and a half for it or about thirty cents. She was an earnest pleader. There were tears in her eyes. She pleaded and begged in tones that would wring any heart.

b)He only is fitted to command and control who has succeeded in commanding and controlling himself. The hysterical, the fearful, the thoughtless and frivolous, let such seek company, or they will fall for lack of support; but the calm, the fearless, the thoughtful and grave, let such seek the solitude of the forest, the desert and the mountain-top, and more power will be added to their power, and they will more and more successfully stem the psychic currents and whirlpools which engulf mankind.

2-Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 30 words: 4

a) Why was Phatik excited to go to Calcutta?

b) How is smoking injurious to health?

e) What are the three important qualities of a valuable life?

3.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the most suitable words given within the brackets:

1x4 = 4

a) I flicked him….again. (with, into, in, off) 

b) The charm and…. of the Indian way of life will continue. (pace; graciousness, tales,hierarchy)

c) Makhan only moved to a more…. (comfortable, unbearable, easy, critical)

d) Just the same I _____ he would give me a few breaks. (wish, want, like, beg)

4-Answer any one of the following questions in about 75 words: 8

a) How does Portia save Antonio?

b) Write a character sketch of Shylock.

5.Answer any two of the following questions in about 30 words each: 4+4=8

a) Why did Sanku want to steal the gold watch?

b) Why did the astrologer run away from his village?

c) What was the plight of the child after he had lost his parents?

6.Explain with reference to the context any one of the following extracts: 8

a) The breezy call of incense - breathing morn,

The swallow twittering from the straw-built shed,

 The cock's shrill clarion, or the echoing horn,

No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed.

b) My little horse must think it queer

  To stop without a farm house near 

Between the woods and frozen lake

The darkest evening of the year.

7-Write the central idea of any one of the following poems:

a) Character of a Happy Life.

b) A Lament

c) My Heaven

8.Write the definition of any one of the following figures of speech with two examples:2+2=4

a) Metaphor

b) Personification

c) Hyperbole

           Section - B

9-a) Change any one of the following sentences into indirect form of speech: 2

1) The teacher said to the student, "My Son! Work hard if you want to make your career."

ii) The old lady said, "Peacocks dance with joy when it is about to rain."

b) Change any one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets: 2

i) He is very poor. He cannot purchase a Car. (Simple Sentence)


ii) The picture was interesting. We enjoyed it very much.(Compound sentence)

c) Transform any one of the following sentences as directed within the brackets: 2

i) Have you not stolen the bag? (Passive voice)

ii)No other boy is so intelligent as Shyam. (Superlative degree)

d) Correct any two of the following sentences:1x2 = 2

i) One should do his duty.

ii) Physics are an interesting subject.

iii) Either he should eat mango or apple.

iv) Please give me a ten rupees note. 

10.a) Use any three of the following idioms/phrases in your own sentences so as to bring out their meanings clearly:

i) a bone of contention

ii) a feather in one's cap

iii) an axe to grind

iv) a Herculean task

v) in a fool's paradise

b) Write antonyms of the following words: 1x3=3

i) barren

ii) flexible

iii) voluntary

c) Write synonyms of the following words: 1x3=3

1) confess

ii) enormous

iii) splendid

d) Substitute one for following expressions:

i) that which is fit to be eaten

ii) one who believes in fate

iii) absence of governance

e) Use the following words in sentences of your own so as to bring out the differences in their

meanings clearly:1+1=2


ii) sell


11.Translate the following into English:10

पहले लड़ाई कुछ मनुष्यों के बीच होती थी। फिर कबीलों में होने लगी। फिर राज्यों में हुई परन्तु अब लड़ाई देशों के बीच लड़ी जाती है। फिर भी परिणाम हर हालत में वही होता है मनुष्य के रक्त की नदियाँ बहती हैं। लोग मरते हैं, स्त्रियाँ विधवा और बच्चे अनाथ होते हैं। कहने में तो किसी एक देश की जीत होती है, परन्तु असल में आजकल की लड़ाई में किसी की भी जीत नहीं होती। किसी ने ठीक ही कहा है कि भविष्य में लड़ाई में जीवित रहने वाला मरने वाले को अच्छा समझेगा।



a)Give the substance of the following poem in your own words in about 80 words:

1 thanked God ....

The one who gave me hope to live

The one only who can forgive

The one who died on a cross save humanity that is lost.

The one who gave His words...

So I give you my heart, to you Lord.

b) Write a summary of the following passage about 60 words

Man is the architect of his own life. If he makes a proper division of his time and does his. duties accordingly, he is sure to improve and prosper in life, but if he does otherwise, he is sure to repent when it is too late and he will have to drag out a miserable existence from day to day. When he finds himself helpless and is not able to recall the last days, he will cry over the spilt milk. To kill time is as culpable as to commit suicide, for our life is nothing but the sum total of hours, days and years. Youth is the golden season of life. In youth the mind is pliable and soft and can be moulded into any form we like. If we lose the morning hours of life, we shall have to repent afterwards. It is called by Carlyle 'the seed of life'. If we sow a good seed, we shall reap a good harvest, when we grow up.



a) Write a short essay on any one of the following literary topics in about 120 words: 6

i) Keats as a romantic poet

ii) Victorian novel

iii) Plays in 20th Century

iv) Blank verse

v) Elegy

b) Match the literary works of List-A with their authors in List-B.

List-A.                        List B

i) Paradise Lost.      Shakespeare

ii) Candida.              Milton 

iii) Essays of Elia.    Shaw

iv) Hamlet.               Charles Lamb

12.Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 200 word.

a) Safety of women in India

b) Mobile Phones-Boon or Bane

c) Importance of Books in our life

d) Need to Save Trees

e) My Favourite Author

13.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

The real object of education at which every true teacher is aiming and for which every true student is working, is to draw out, train and discipline, the faculties of the mind, those faculties that the boy will want to use when he comes to be a man. And right education is not cramming of the boy's memory, but the evolution and training of his powers of observing, reasoning and judging. You are not here only to pass examination or to observe your teacher's knowledge, you are here to develop your faculties of the mind- spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical - so that hereafter you may use them in the service of God and men, to the credit and honour of your country, your families and yourselves.

a) What is the real object of education?2

b) What should the students aim at?2 

c) i) Explain the underlined word.1+1=2

ii) Write a suitable title for the passage.

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