Essay on Mahatma Gandhi


Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi in English / /महात्मा गांधी पर निबंध अंग्रेजी भाषा में

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi

दोस्तों आज की पोस्ट आपके लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि आज हम भारत देश के सबसे सम्मानित व्यक्ति और सत्य और अहिंसा के पुजारी कहे जाने वाले राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी के बारे में अंग्रेजी में निबंध कैसे लिखें यह जानेंगे। 

दोस्तों महात्मा गांधी पर निबंध अंग्रेजी भाषा में लिखने को प्रायः सभी कक्षा में पूछा जाता है। इसलिए आप लोगों को इस निबंध को बहुत ही अच्छे से तैयार और याद करना है। महात्मा गांधी पर अंग्रेजी भाषा में निबंध यह एक ऐसा टॉपिक है जोकि अधिकतर बोर्ड परीक्षाओं में या जूनियर कक्षाओं में निबंध लिखने को आता ही है। इस प्रकार से हम यह कह सकते हैं कि महात्मा गांधी पर अंग्रेजी भाषा में निबंध लिखना एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण आर्टिकल है। इसलिए दोस्तों आपको इस पोस्ट को आखिरी तक पढ़ना है। और यदि यह पोस्ट पसंद आए तो अपने दोस्तों में आप लोगों को अधिक से अधिक शेयर भी करना है।

An Indian leader


Mahatma Gandhi:the father of Nation

1. Introduction 2. Birth and parentage 3. His Education 4. Work in South Africa 5. His services to India 6. His death and his principles 7. Conclusion

"Gandhiji was a unique combination of fitness and Grace. Such a man is born but once in a millennium".   -C.E.M. Joad

1. Introduction- Mahatma Gandhi was the greatest man of his age. He was not only a great politician but also a great social and religious leader. He was Mahatma a great soul. He was an apple of his peace and truth. He sacrificed his all for the sake of his country and countrymen. His principles of ahimsa and truth have been appreciated all over the world. He was known as bapu.

2. Birth and parentage- Mahatma Gandhi was born at Porbandar in kathiyawad on October 2, 1869. His father Karamchand Gandhi was Deewana of Rajkot. Her mother was a very noble and religious lady.

3. His Education- He was sent to school at the age of 7. He was shy and did not mix with the boys of the his age. But he was very honest and  hardworking. He had no liking for games and gymnastics. He was married to Kasturba at the age of 13. He passed the entrance examination at the age of 17. He was sent to England for higher education.

4. Work in South Africa- On his return from England he began to practice as barrister in Bombay High court but he was not successful in the profession. In 1913 he left for South Africa in order to plead the case of a firm named Dada Abdulla and company. During his stay there he fully studied the condition of Indians in South Africa. The behaviour of the whites towards the Indians hugged him very much. He fought against the British governor made to improve the lot of Indians there. He started Satyagraha movement for the rights of the Indians. He  did not take rest till the Indian relief act was passed.

5. His services to India- Gandhi ji return to India in 1915 and joined the Indian National Congress. He started the non cooperation movement in 1920 and civil dis obedience movement in 1930. He always word for Hindu Muslim unity. In 1942 he started the quit India movement. He was sent to Jail many times. In 1947 India got her freedom.

6. His death and his principles- On January 30, 1948 he was shot dead by Nathuram Vinayak godse in a prayer assembly at Birla house Delhi. Gandhi was really the light of the world. He suit India and the world the path of love truth and ahimsa. He got freedom for India through the weapon of non violence.

7. Conclusion- Gandhiji lived and died for love ,truth and nonviolence. He was one of those prophets like Jesus Christ buddh, ram and Krishna who gave light to the world. So long India lives and Indian freedom lives, the name of Gandhi  will be remembered.

यह भी पढ़ें

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