Essay on Imminent Dangers to the World Peace in English
Essay on Imminent Dangers to the World PeaceHello friends, welcome to our another new article. In today's post, we will give you detailed information about 'Essay on Imminent Dangers to the World Peace in English' and also discuss all the important questions and answers related to this essay. All these important questions and answers are based on NCERT pattern. So you guys read this post completely. If you like the post then share it with your friends too.
Table of Contents
3.Effect of Terrorism
4.Fight Against Terrorism
5.Racial Armed Violence
7.Dreadful Tests
8.Dreadful Alignments
9.Diplomats Expulsion
10.Bombardment on UN Aid Convoy
Essay on Imminent Dangers to the World Peace
Introduction: It goes without saying that today the world is sitting on the pile of gunpowder. Only a spark is sufficient to
ignite the pile resulting in explosion and eventually heaps of ashes and burning cinders. The Second World War was far
more fierce than the First World War. With the revolutionary development in armaments, invention of more and more fatal means of annihilation and the arrogant aggressive uncompromising attitude of the rulers the world is being
pushed towards its disaster.
Terrorism: The terrorists, generally, utilise machineguns and bombs, strike in exposed areas like airplane stations, concert halls, big gathering. Of late, an attack is carried out - (2018) in the capital of Belgium, Brussels, killing a great number of civilians. The attacks were issued in a train station and in an airplane station. The havoc was horrible.
Effect of Terrorism: Terrorism is one of the most serious problems. At present India is facing cross border terrorism due to its bad neighbors. Despite serious efforts of India's friendship, Pakistan did not leave the path of its sharp practice. Every morning we read about the brutal acts of terrorism committed by the terrorists in the newspapers, sometimes it is the killing of many innocent persons, sometimes it is the killing of an eminent leader or journalist. Bomb blasts are often heard and seen on crowded platforms or in crowded markets of big cities.
Terrorism is the name of fear,non-violence, ruthless killing of innocent people, waging war against a nation or society and its people. Terrorism has been a major problem in India. At present, people are so scared that they are shying away from coming out of their homes. Terrorism has almost ended in Punjab but it is still a big problem in Kashmir. It has spread to almost all parts of the country. Serial blasts have taken place in Mumbai and Delhi. The attack on Parliament House on December 13, 2001 and in Mumbai on November 26, 2008 are major terrorist incidents in our country.
Fight Against Terrorism
Fight Against Terrorism: Several special forces have been established to fight terrorism. The intelligence agencies of our country are always on high alert and internal security has been tightened by the government. The Anti-Terrorism Act, passed by the Parliament, provides for harsher punishments for acts of terrorism. Due to the high alert of the security forces, the terrorists are not able to succeed in their nefarious designs. If we want to live in peace, we must fight terrorism firmly. The government should take strict action against these people because they are the biggest problem for the human society. If terrorism ends, peace and prosperity can prevail. At present no one is safe from this great sin of terrorism.
Racial Armed Violence: In Srilanka blood is being shed in the armed attacks by the native Buddhists and Rohingyas at each other. The same has been in Myanmar. The Nobel Peace Laureate State Counsellor of Myanmar and the country's
defact leader Aung San Suir Kyi refers to the bloodshed as counter-terrorism. Buddhist nationalists call it self-defense
against a people (Rohingyas). Contrary to it, the opposite party calls it genocide. However, the International Community
remains hesitant to say anything. There is a precedent for this lack of moral clarity. In Syria, the Assad regime and its allies in Russia and Iran successfully branded the conflict a counter-terrorism matter or at worst a fight between several sides of equal culpability. The western readers of the press viewed the death and destruction in Syria as part of the fight against Daesh. Few remember that the Assad regime bore sole culpability for launching a systematic campaign to wipe out a large Swaths of the country. Assad regime dropped barrel bombs, thermobaric weapons and missiles on towns, villages and hospitals. This precedent enabled the Myanmar Government to use helicopters and mass torchings of Rohingya villages.
Threatening: The rulers like Kim Jong of North Korea is giving threatening to the USA and indirectly to the world. A nuclear button is always on his desk ready for use if North Korea is threatened. He offers South Korea an olive branch saying, "He is open to dialogue with Seoul
Dreadful Tests: North Korea's testing inter-continental ballistic missiles and conducting its sixth and most powerful nuclear test in defiance of international warnings and sanctions, besides other horrible and aggressive steps, raise fears of a new conflict on the Korean Peninsula. Kim declares his nuclear force complete after testing its most powerful inter continental Ballistic Missile. It is claimed that it is capable of delivering a warhead to anywhere in the continental United States. He adds that North Korea would focus on mass producing nuclear war heads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment in the coming year. Kim declares in plain words that the above step has made it impossible for the
United States to start a war against North Korea.
Dreadful Alignments: North Korea and China are coming closer and closer. Pakistan and Russia are too close to them.
Diplomats Expulsion: US expels Russian (39) diplomats. In retaliation Russia expels 60 diplomats of US and 23 countries. Paskistan withdraws his diplomat from India. All of these steps are threatening world peace.
Bombardment on UN Aid Convoy: UN's lorries carrying surgical and medical supplies are being bombarded as in Syria. Conclusion: Thus, the cold war between US group and Russian group is enlivened. The world is on the verge of destruction.
1. What are the major imminent threats to world peace?
Answer- Following are the major imminent threats to world peace-
1. Terrorism
2. Racial Armed Violence
3. making threats
4. Horrible test
5. Terrible Alignment
6. Expulsion of diplomats
7. Bombing of UN aid convoy
2. What is the world's biggest problem at present?
Answer – At present, the biggest problem of the world is terrorism.
3. What is racial armed violence?
Ans- Racial armed violence means violence by persons of one race against persons of another race on the basis of caste, religion, colour, form and state. Eminence based on racial discrimination is scientifically wrong, morally reprehensible, socially unjust and dangerous.
4. How can the imminent danger to world peace be prevented?
Answer – The imminent threat to world peace can be stopped by adopting the policy of truth, non-violence, feeling of universal brotherhood and considering the whole world as one family.
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