Essay on Women Safety || Mahila Suraksha per nibandh
Hello friends, in today's article, we will tell you how to write an essay on women's safety. Friends, if you like this information given by us, then definitely share it with all your friends.
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Table of contents –
1. Introduction
2. Women's safety a major concern
3. Need for women safety
4. Crime against women in India
5. Laws related to women safety in India
6. Tips for women's safety
7. Conclusions
8. 10 lines on women safety in hindi
9. 10 lines on women safety in english
10. FAQ'S
"How will you make India a world power,
When women power is not safe in the country.
Introduction –
Since ancient times in India, women are given special respect and honor in the society. India is such a country where special care is taken for the safety and respect of women. In Indian culture, women have been given the status of goddess. If we talk about today's era, women are working shoulder to shoulder with men in every field. But still women safety remains a big issue in the country.
Women's safety is a major concern –
Nowadays, news of atrocities against girls and women are increasing day by day in newspapers. No matter how many claims the government makes for the safety of girls, but even today girls are not safe in India.
Somewhere the daughters are being tortured and somewhere the daughter-in-law is being tortured in the in-laws' house. The country can progress as much as it wants, but where women are not safe, that country cannot move forward.
The need for women's safety –
Despite many laws related to the safety of women, cases of kidnapping, rape and murder of many girls are coming to the fore. Acid attacks continue even today, defaming them through electronic devices has not diminished. That's why maximum security is increasing with regard to minor innocent girls.
In such a situation, girls and women will have to be aware of their rights and be mentally strong as well. Only a mentally strong woman can fully discharge her duties towards the country and society by using her rights properly.
Crime against women in India –
The list of crime against women in India is very long. It includes many crimes like acid throwing, prostitution, sexual violence, dowry death, kidnapping, infanticide, mental harassment etc.
Laws related to women safety in India–
In view of the crimes against women in the country, many laws related to women's safety have been made. In this Child Marriage Act 1929, Special Marriage Act 1954, Hindu Marriage Act 1955, Hindu Widow Remarriage Act 1856, Indian Penal Code 1860, Maternity Benefit Act 1861, Foreign Marriage Act 1969, Indian Divorce Act 1969, Christian Marriage Act 1872, Married Women Property Act 1874,Muslim Women Protection Act 1986, National Commission for Women Act 1990, Sexual Harassment of Women at Working Place Act 2013 etc. Apart from this, the Lok Sabha on 7 May 2015 and the Rajya Sabha on 22 December 2015 have also made changes in the Juvenile Justice Bill. Under this, if a 16 to 18-year-old juvenile is found involved in a heinous crime, then there is a provision for severe punishment.
Tips for women's safety –
Some important tips for women safety are as follows-
1. Every woman of the country should be trained for self-defense.
2. Women often sense danger quicker than any man. If ever they have any kind of apprehension, then they should take some concrete steps soon without delay.
3. Women should keep themselves away from unknown people.
4. Women should never consider themselves weak, they should keep their spirits high.
5. Women should be careful while getting to know anyone through the internet.
6. When out of the house, women must always keep something for safety like pepper spray. When in danger, they use it, they can get out of there as soon as possible.
7. Nowadays there are many such mobile applications which can be used immediately in case of difficulty. Through which at the press of a button, the message will reach your personal persons and relatives along with the location.
8. Before staying in any hotel or unknown place, ensure the security in advance.
conclusion -
Women's safety is a very serious social issue, there is a need for permanent efforts by the government in this direction as soon as possible. Women constitute almost half of the population of the country who are extremely suffering and helpless physically, mentally and socially. This is hindering the development and progress of the country.
Providing a safe environment to girls and women is as much the responsibility of the society as it is of the governments, so we all need to think deeply about the issue of women's safety.
"The country will become strong when women will be safe,
Women's safety is everyone's shared responsibility.
10 lines on women safety in hindi –
1. In our Indian culture and mythology, women have been given the status of goddess.
2. The government also makes many claims for the safety of women.
3. But all these claims are not visible on the ground anywhere, it resonates only in the speeches of the leaders at the time of elections.
4. Articles 14 and 15 have been made in our constitution also for the respect and safety of women.
5. Which is only an article written in the constitution and which has nothing to do with the ground reality.
6. In such a situation, women themselves need to come forward and fight against the government and this male-dominated society in order to secure themselves.
7. There is a huge population of women in our country, but all women are not aware of themselves, there is very little unity among women.
8. A woman increases the courage of the criminals by not supporting her to fight against the atrocities on other women.
9. Sometimes we have to fight to get many things. If our freedom fighters had just requested the British to leave our country, our country would not have become independent today.
10. If women also want security and respect for themselves, then they should also come forward and revolt against this male dominated society.
Their constitution is with women but people need to be reminded that there is no existence of men without women, so how can these men be superior to women.
10 lines on women safety in english –
1. The condition of women is very painful in India.
2. India ranks among the top 10 countries for crime against women.
3. Women do not have freedom as men in society.
4. They do not have the right to do anything of their own will.
5. Many girls and women are being sold into prostitution.
6. The brutal rape cases all tell about the unsafe situation of women in the nation.
7. We all need to bring a change in our thinking about women.
8. The laws given by the government must be strictly followed for punishing the criminals.
9. We must learn to respect women instead of treating them badly.
10. Man and women together help in the progress of the nation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ'S)-
Ques - What do you understand by women's safety?
Ans - The government should make the rules and regulations stricter for women's safety. There should be provision of special protection for women. We should ban obscene and immoral information. The number of women is half of the total population of the country.
Ques - What should women do for their safety?
Ans - Women should adopt the following methods to protect themselves-
Trustworthy House Help
install safety door
keep phone full charged
no shortcuts in the night
Be careful if you are going alone in an auto or cab
Drinks at Social Gathering
alone with boyfriend
if attack
Ques - Why is women safety important in India?
Ans - Today the safety of women in India is widely discussed everywhere. Now it has become a serious problem. Crime rate is skyrocketing. Women are neither safe at home nor outside. Women travelers from other countries also find themselves in a precarious position while traveling to India.
Ques - When was the Women's Safety Act implemented?
Ans - The Women's Safety Act came into force on 26 October 2006.
Ques - What number does India come in terms of women's safety?
Ans - India ranks ninth in terms of women's safety.
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