Essay on Student's Experience World
Essay on Student's Experience WorldTable of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Elements of Perception Building
3.Experience an Art
4. School Experience
5.Family Experience
6. Discipline
7. Expressing thoughts in a logical manner
8. Sublime Experience
9. Political experience
Hello friends, welcome to our another new article. In today's post, we will give you detailed information about Essay on Student's Experience World in English and will also discuss all the important questions and answers related to this essay. All these important questions and answers are based on NCERT pattern. So you guys read this post completely. If you like the post then share it with your friends too.
student experience essay on world in english
Preface :- Student life is the golden time of everyone's human life, in this time the student gets many lessons and experiences of life, which guide him in the right direction throughout his life.
Elements of cognition: - The process of thinking and thinking always remains in the mind of the student. The reason, whatever the student sees around him, whatever perception he gets in his mind, he keeps rotating its shadow (image) in his mind. Perception, meditation and thoughts together create the experience of the student. Adopting this approach, Sharat-Chandra believes, 'The thing that one gets along with age in life is called experience.' Disraeli also believes 'Experience is the child of thought & thought is the child of Action. (Experience is the child of thought and thought of action.) Without stumbling, the eye of a man cannot opens. Experience comes only after suffering.
Experience is an art :- Knowing the experiences of others is also an experience. Experience is an art, for which a sufficient price has to be paid, but the education that is gained from it, the knowledge that is gained, is not possible by any other means. Student life is the golden period of human life. Time to prepare for the future. There is a time of teaching in life. Good opportunity to gain experience. Only by climbing the ladder of experiences, the student can perfume the thorny path of life with the flowers of success.
School Experiences:- The world of the student remains limited to the family and the school only. He gets infinite knowledge by living in this limited area. Despite being a well-manduk, he has knowledge like an ocean. Despite being inexperienced, he gains experience by putting life in an odd situation. The student lives in the family. He learns manners from the behavior of parents, siblings and visiting relatives.
Family Experiences:- While trying to solve the problems of the family, he looks at the thinking of the elders of the family, tries to understand them. He buys and brings from vegetables and fruits to ration. From fetching medicine to dealing with extreme illness, he learns the methods of treatment. Gets the experience of standing in a queue for ration and kerosene. In this way the daily dealings of life give him varied experiences.
Discipline:- The experience of discipline is an important achievement of the student period. The feeling of punishment received due to breaking of discipline many times changes the direction of life. This bitter experience dominates the mind throughout life. Where enthusiasm, courage, patience, enthusiasm, discipline, team spirit, sportsmanship etc emerge in sports, there is a feeling of the power to fight with a smile in the struggle of life.
Expressing thoughts in a logical manner:- If there is an experience of expressing logical, series and excellent thoughts on any subject from the weekly meetings of the school, then to serve the victims from the camps of Red Cross Society and towards the duty from the scouting camps. There is a feeling of being aware. While visiting India, one sees and experiences glimpses of life's sufferings. The uneasiness of not getting food on time, the agony of not getting rest, the pain of not being able to keep the body clean, the pain of wandering from place to place, the sorrows and pains to be faced in the future life, in tourism It is bound to happen. The experience-world of girl students is more elaborate and life-useful than that of boys. They get the experience of home life in student life. From making simple meals to making a variety of dishes; From needlework to artistic painting; They learn dance-music, various costumes and body decoration even before entering the household life. Their experience matures through everyday activities.
Experience of sublimity: - The feeling of disorderliness and sublimity also comes in the range of the student's experience-world. Smoking due to misbehavior, disrespect to teachers, disobedience to parents, pointless outings, hooligan-like activities, fighting with classmates, neglecting homework, give a feeling of social evils. On the strength of this realization, when he enters the life-field, he becomes a 'grandfather' or a 'anti-social'. 'The evil tendency of stealing friends' things, hiding stolen things, finding excuses when caught, blaming others also happens in student life. Because of that feeling. Lies in life, blames others.
Experience of politics:- The experience of leadership of politics also comes in the range of the student world. The first sign of politics is party politics. Student team-building. Contests for various posts in school or college. Wastes money, gives smoky speeches. Quarrels, fights and gets trapped with students of other party. The desire to do politics in the quagmire of parties gives him the feeling of going on strike, disrespecting elders, burning buses and destroying government public property. inspired. Taught to cringe at small and ridiculous demands. Today's student is devoid of experience of earning money, he is clumsy in this direction. Today's education is only a means to produce clerks, not a means to produce proficiency in professionalism. Inexperience of earning money is the great curse of today's educated society. In fact, the experience-world of the student is vast, wide. He has already experienced a part of the feeling of almost every difficulty in life. He has peeped in the streets of happiness and sorrow. So these experiences undoubtedly come in handy in his future life.
1. Which is the golden time of human life?
Answer- The golden time of human life is the student period.
2. What do you understand by the element of perception building?
Answer – The process of thinking and thinking always remains in the mind of the student. The reason, whatever the student sees around him, whatever perception he gets in his mind, he keeps rotating its shadow (image) in his mind. Perception, attention and thought together constitute the experience of the student.
3. What is it to know the experiences of others?
Answer- Knowing the experiences of others is an art.
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