Essay on Environment and Development
Environment and Development Essay for Children in English // Essay on Environment and Development
Environment and Development
Introduction: Development of environment is the burning issue of the day. It is indispensable not only for the survival of mankind but also for its future protection.
Strategy of Sustainable Development of
Environment on Different Levels:
The strategy of sustainable development of environment on different levels is as under:
1. Technical Level: On technical level, it will take advantage of renewable energies like the sun, wind and biomass, adoption of conservation and recycling practices on a wider scale and the transfer of cleaner and more energy efficient technologies to countries in the developing world.
2. Political and Economic Level: It will involve overhauling of development and trade practices that destroy the environment. It will bring in improvement of indigenous peoples, a fairer distribution of wealth and resources within and between nations.
3. Social Plane: It will involve renewed thrust towards universal primary education and health care, massive afforestation projects, renewed research into and assistance for organic farming practices and biopest control and protection of bio-diversity.
The Measures: India will focus attention on the following measures :
(i) Ensure clean and hygienic living and working conditions for the people.
(ii) Sponsor research on environmental issues pertaining to the region.
(iii) Ensure safety against known and proven industrial hazards.
(iv) Find economical methods for salvaging hazardous industrial wastes.
(v) Encourage afforestation.
(vi) Find out substitutes for proven hazardous materials based on local resources and needs.
(vii) Encourage use of non-conventional sources of energy specially solar energy.
(viii) Encourage production of environmental friendly products.
(ix) Popularise use of organic fertilisers and other bio-techniques.
(x) Monitor the environmental management.
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कारक किसे कहते हैं परिभाषा,भेद,उदाहरण
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विशेषण किसे कहते हैं परिभाषा,भेद,उदाहरण
The Norms of the Development Policy
For conservation of natural resources the development policy would follow the following norms:
(1) Make attempts not to impair the natural regeneration capacity of renewable resources.
(ii) Switch from non-renewable to renewable resource uses.
(iii) Formulate a phase out policy for the use of non-renewable resources in general.
(iv) Emphasis on the production of Environment Friendly Products. (EFP)
(v) Lay emphasis on the products that are comparatively less harmful or have a more benign effect on the environment right from the stage of manufacture through packaging, distribution, use, disposal and reusability or recycling.
Efforts: Plans are afoot to market EFPS with combined efforts of Bureau of Indian Standards, Ministry of Environment and Forests and Central Pollution Control Board.
Scheme: Since 1990 a scheme of labelling ECOMARK has also been started.
In its first phase, the items included in this are soaps, plastics, papers, cosmetics, colours, lubricating oil, pesticides, drugs and various edible items.
The objectives of the scheme are :
(1) To provide an incentive for manufacturers and to reduce adverse environmental impact of their products.
(ii) To reward genuine initiatives by companies to reduce adverse environmental impact of their products.
(iii) To assist consumers to become responsible in their day lives by providing them information to take account of environmental factors in their purchase decisions.
(iv) To encourage citizens to purchase products which have least harmful environmental impact.
(v) To improve the quality of the environment and to encourage the sustainable management of resources.
Conclusion: To conclude, immediate steps for development in environment is indispensable and taking suitable steps is the need of the hour.
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