10 lines on cow Essay in english (गाय पर निबंध हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में)
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10 lines on cow Essay in english (गाय पर निबंध हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में) |
10 lines on cow in English - 70 Words
Essay (1) -
1. Cow is a domestic animal.
2. It has two horns,four legs,and a long tail
3. Most people keep cows in their homes.
4. Cow gives milk, which is very beneficial for us.
5. Cow is white, black and brown in colour.
6. Ghee and sweets are made from cow's milk.
7. Cow eats grass bread and straw.
8. Cow is very straight and calm
9. Cows are not as violent as other animal.
10. Cow is the most reared in India.
10 lines on cow in English - 80 Words
Essay (2) -
1. A cow is a pet animal.
2. The cow has one mouth and two ears
3. The cow has big eyes.
4. The cow has a long tail.
5. The cow has four legs.
6. The cow has four udders.
7. The cows body is larger and wider than the black .
8. The cow gives delicious milk in the morning and evening.
9. Cow's nose is big .
10. A cow is white, Black and brown colour.
10 lines on cow in English - 90 Words
Essay (3) -
1. The cow is major domestic animal in India
2. The cow is considered to be the mother in India
3. Cow's are found in all countries in the world.
4. A cow has a pair of horns and a tail.
5. It is found in white , black or brown etc colours.
6. The cow eats Grass and hey , cake.
7. Cow's are simple and naive by nature.
8. In Hinduism, the cow is considered to be revered.
9. We get milk from the cow
10. This milk is very testy and nutritious.
10 lines on cow in English - 100 Words
Essay (4) -
1. In all the animals , the cow is considered the most sacred animal.
2. The cow is a milking animal and it's milk comes quickly the memory is fast and the ability to see is also intact.
3. The cow is Very simple and clean by nature.
4. According to Hindus , there are 33 cror God and goddess in the cow.
5. Many sweets cheese and curd etc. are made from cow's milk.
6. Cow eats green grass, fodder and cereals etc.
7. Many diseases are treated with cow urine.
8. Many breeds of cow are found.
9. The cow is also used in agriculturel works.
10. The cow is a vegetarian animal and is also known as Kamdhenu
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